Thursday, 18 December 2008

Merry Christmas

Hello all,

just thought I would wish you and your families a Merry Christmas. Not too sure if we are still using this blog because it has been so long since anyone has written on it but anyhow.

What a year it has been, It has definitely been a rollercoaster ride for a lot of us. Things have happened that were totally unexpected including finding out I was pregnant with the twins!!!

And now here we all are with our ever expanding families, all with new additions or not too far away ones. Congratulations to us all!!!! And what an amazing achievement that we will have 19 children under the age of 3 by the time every one has given birth between us.

Oh my god!!!! Welcome to our "group" Matilda, Isobel, Amber, Alex, Emma, Ava, Kassidy and Kobi!!! You don't know what you have got yourselves in to. But bring on the boys I think they are feeling a little smothered by all of the girl power!! No pressure Kate!!

Well we have watched our beautiful babies grow into energetic two year olds, the conversations we have with them have changed and their skills are getting a lot better. We can tie the girls hair up into pony tails and the boys shoes are getting bigger and bigger.

On a personal note, Thank you all for your support through out the year. It has been really crazy but you have all helped us immensely with babysitting, cooking and just an ear to listen to whatever i was crapping on about that particular day. thank you

Merry Christmas Everyone and have a safe and happy new year,

See you in the new year

Love always


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