Monday, 29 December 2008

2008/2009 stuff

Well, didn't the b'day/Christmas period fly past! I'm back at work, and Karl is now off work. We didn't get to spend any time together which was a killer... you know how couply we are. I hope you have all survived and had a great time over this festive season. It would be great if you'd write a little bit about your festive times. After having his b'day and Christmas so close together Red seems to have gotten the hang of getting presents. He started getting gifts a day before his birthday and then seemed to get them every day through to Boxing Day which saw him asking for a 'prize' every day. I think he thought that you just get them some times for no reason. He also very cutely spends most of the day singing Happy Birthday to himself. Interestingly, he's going through a 'mine' stage which coincides with Issy getting Christmas presents, and he doesn't really get the concept that some toys are hers. He's never experienced toys at our place that aren't his, so that's been a bit challenging. But all in all my week at home with the children was a delight. Issy is growing up way too fast, she's walking around the furniture (since about 7mths!!), and has even taught herself to slide off the couch backwards!

Well, I better get to work. Hope we manage to see you sooner than later, it was disappointing that most of you couldn't make Red's party.

Best wishes for 2009
(ps Kate, are you ready to burst? Hope the weather hasn't been knocking you about too much!)

I received an email from a friend who is asking for some assistance so if you have the time can you pls help...
For those of you who don't know Andrew and I are starting a baby food business- wow now there really is pressure now that everyone knows!! Anyway we need your help with a little market research.
Fresh Start Baby Food is a new company, with an exciting new concept. 'Fresh and Local'. Our baby food will be freshly hand-made using local ingredients. We will deliver the product straight to your door, or you may pick it up from our purpose built commercial kitchen. We are preparing to launch our product in March 2009, and would like to listen to what parent's have to say, so we can continue to develop the best possible product and service. If you have the time to answer a quick 20 question survey we would really appreciate your feedback. Just click the link below and follow the prompts.

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