Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Hi from me!

Hi guys, thought I would also update you all on my whereabouts.... Been very busy with a full household of visitors that have been coming and going for the past 1.5 weeks. My parents are staying with me, as mum had surgery and was in the Royal Women Hospital all last week (nothing nasty, but a timely reminder for all of us to keep doing our pelvic floor exercises so we don't end up needing the same thing!!!!. Then we also had our neice with us, as her 19 y.o. boyfriend had a car accident with a bus 2 weeks ago and has been in the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a coma and with serious head injuries. This & all the heart ache of the bush fire tragedy, it's been an emotional week and a bit.
So I'm also heading bush this Friday to get away from Melbourne for a bit. Will be with my parents until March 9th, to take care of my mum while she is recovering.
Sorry for all the negative news, but I will finish off on a positive note - we are taking Gracie to see Dorothy the Dinosaur in Swan Hill on March 9th, so I'm sure that will be a happy experience for us all!
Thinking of you all and will catch up with tales to tell from our farm stay when we see you in March. Hang in there Naomi!
Love Jodie

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