Sunday, 14 September 2008

social calendar

Hi all.

So it appears that Sunday 19th October bbq is a goer. Do you want

Bundoora Farm or Eltham Mini Train
Naomi - coming - Bundoora
Sarina - coming -
Amanda -
Ange - coming - bundoora
Jodie/Gracie/Ava - coming -
Jodie/Axel - Sorry cannot make it on the 19th
Lauren -
Kate - coming - either venue
Deb - coming - Bundoora

I'm very keen to go out to dinner again. Want to try the bistro at the Greensborough Pub (can you tell I want a big steak?). What if we make it for the last Friday in September?

Naomi -
Sarina -
Amanda -
Ange - No, unfortunately
Jodie/Gracie/Ava -
Jodie/Axel - Available-yum!!
Lauren -
Kate - maybe? moving the next day to mum and dads
Deb -

Also, has anyone discussed what the plans are for birthday gifts this year? Shall we do another Kris Kringle?

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