Friday, 12 September 2008


Hi all,

well it all sounds great, the venue looks excellent and the location is good for me too, except the day! I don't know if I can change Lily's day in child care, but I will check with her child care centre though, just to make sure. I may not be able to change her day until the new year, but that's only a couple of months away. I don't want to stop everyone else from enjoying this playgroup venue, as it looks so good! Just a shame that Lily will miss out on the fun. I may not make it too often, as my day with just one child is my chance to catch up on everything else, as some of you can understand (having two kids). Thanks Ange for doing all the organising, and the costs sound good too, quite cheap. Go ahead and book it up. On another note, is anyone up for dinner some time soon? I know some of us coulddn't make it with little babies, but I feel the need to escape soon! I can't escape for long though, so somewhere closeby, maybe a friday night. Hope I have some takers on that one. See you all soon.


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